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Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada opens nominations for suite of prizes

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has opened the . These recognitions celebrate outstanding scientists and engineers across the country in academia, industry, and the public and not-for-profit sectors.

Prizes are an impactful way to promote role models for the next generation and help create the change we want to see. NSERC requests your help in reaching out to a more diverse pool of nominees to reflect the breadth of the communities being recognized.

Prize information*


Eligible candidates

Nomination deadline



Individual or group promoting science

Wednesday, November 15


Canadian interdisciplinary research teams

Tuesday, November 28

Individual whose body of the work is conducted in Canada in the natural sciences or engineering


Tuesday, November 28

Individual or team conducting research in Canada


Tuesday, November 28


Individual or team conducting research in Canada

Tuesday, November 28

Early-stage academic researchers

Thursday, December 14


Partnerships between one or more Canadian universities or colleges and one or more non-academic partner organizations


Thursday, December 14

*While the call for nominations is currently open for all prizes, the nomination deadlines vary as shown in the table.

Nominators should consider:

  • Thinking broadly before nominating, to ensure diverse candidacies are considered. Diversity takes many forms, and is not only understood in terms of individual identity but also research area, institution size, region, etc.
  • Including various contributions to research such as transfer of knowledge, training and mentoring of highly qualified personnel, or communication of research to non-specialist audiences.
  • Encouraging colleagues to nominate someone, as there can be more than one nomination per institution.
  • Asking someone to nominate you.
  • Nominate yourself, when possible.

In order to increase the diversity of nominations, NSERC continues to update the prize-nomination processes with an aim to reduce barriers to nomination. For example, partner eligibility has been broadened to include public and not-for-profit partner organizations. The nominees can be recognized for their impact and achievements on a local, national or international scale. Selection Committee members are invited to refer to the released in 2022 to assess nominations more holistically for all contributions.