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Traffic safety on campus

At any time of the year, but particularly during the shorter daylight hours during late fall and early winter, please be aware of your surroundings and what is happening around you to minimize risk of injury while getting around campus.


  • Pay close attention to weather forecasts and wear proper footwear for potentially slippery conditions.
  • Where possible, wear light-coloured or reflective clothing, particularly during non-daylight hours.
  • Ensure you cross roadways and streets at designated crosswalks or signalized intersections.
  • Always obey traffic signals. If there isn’t enough time left to cross, wait until the next light change.
  • Watch for vehicles turning at intersections, even though pedestrians have right-of-way.
  • If using public transit, look carefully all ways before stepping onto or off a bus.
  • Wait until you are at your destination before putting on headphones, texting, checking email, using social media apps or playing games. If you must use your device while you are on the move, step away from the path and stop walking.
  • Do no walk inside or near construction zones.


  • Remember that pedestrians have right-of-way.
  • Be aware of designated pedestrian crossing zones.
  • Go slowly and safely around campus.
  • Obey traffic signals and signage.
  • Ensure all mobile devices are off while you are driving.

Whether on wheels or on foot, always leave yourself enough time to get where you are going so you are not in a rush when entering or leaving campus. Be courteous to others and stay safe.