European Spine Journal publishes papers on spine care research led by UOIT-CMCC CDPR team
The European Spine Journal recently published a series of 16 papers from the (GSCI), a project of World Spine Care. , Canada Research Chair in Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation, was the co-Principal Investigator (PI) of the GSCI project, together with Scott Haldeman, PhD, Associate Professor of Neurology at the University of California at Irvine. Dr. Côté and his research team at the (UOIT-CMCC CDPR) played a leadership role in conducting and co-ordinating the international partnership.
The four-year GSCI involved a multi-national collaboration of many individuals who served on a GSCI Secretariat as well as a large Delphi group that contributed to the paper series. The papers include a new classification for spinal disorders, a new model of spine care and a new spine care pathway. The papers will help raise awareness of the burden of spine conditions, and in particular, the challenges faced by people living in low-and middle-income communities, as well as the providers/systems that support spine services in these settings.
This paper series is open-access and . It will appear as a supplemental issue of the European Spine Journal this fall. The research work was funded by the Skoll Foundation and the National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance Company.