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2018 Outstanding Thesis Award winners and nominees

The Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies chairs the Selection Committee that determines winners of the university’s Outstanding Thesis Awards; committee members include graduate faculty members representing diverse research disciplines.

To be considered, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher.
  • Received an outcome of Acceptable without Required Revisions or Acceptable with Minor Revisions at their thesis defence.
  • No academic offenses on their record.

2018 Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award

This award recognizes a graduating master’s student who has written an outstanding thesis that has made or is expected to make a significant contribution to his or her field of study.


  • Mohammed Alziadeh, Master of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering
    • Thesis title: Flow-sound Interaction Mechanism of a Single Spirally Finned Cylinder in Cross-Flow


  • Nurul Cader, Master of Health Sciences
    • Exploring Experiences of Mental Health in Second-Generation South Asian Canadians
  • Brandon Drenikow, Master of Science in Computer Science
    • Thesis title: Vixen: A Games User Research Tool for Collection and Interactive Visualization of User Testing Data
  • Dallas Hill, Master of Arts in Criminology
    • Thesis title: Climbing the Corporate Ladder: Desired Skills and Successful Psychopaths
  • Ulana Pidzamecky, Master of Arts in Education
    • Thesis title: Investigating the Role of Informal Online Communities of Practice in Professional Learning: The Experience of Second/Foreign Language Teachers

2018 Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award

This award recognizes a graduating PhD student who has written an outstanding doctoral thesis that represents a remarkably impactful contribution to his or her field of research.


  • Amjad Farah, PhD in Nuclear Engineering
    • Thesis title: CFD Determination of Fluid and Geometry Related Localized Heat Transfer Phenomena for Supercritical Water Flow


  • Abdullah Al-Zahrani, PhD in Mechanical Engineering
    • Thesis title: Investigation of a Novel Temperature Solid Oxide Electrolyzer for Solar Hydrogen Production